Category Archives: Posted

How to replace grub boot on newer distro after installing another linux (ubuntu based) os


I’m sure you’ve been in the situation (I have many times), where you install an os, use it for a while then move on to something better installing it to a new partition on the hard disk. After a while of trying it out you decide you wish to move to the new linux distro completely. But you still have the old grub boot set up, which will boot by default into the original distro. This is easily changed, but even then, its much better to have your main distro controlling grub allowing it to update when new kernel updates are made or if you upgrade your distro version.
This is a really easy guide for how to do it that takes you through it nice and gently

PCI Compliance Fri, 15/03/2013

PCI Compliance

Fri, 15/03/2013 – 10:24 — errol

I am having to fill in a questionaire designed by SecurityMetrics to conform to PCI Compliance standards and am painfully getting fined for non-compliance.  I told them I was running Ubuntu Linex and that the ports are closed.  They still said I have to complete the questionare to obtain complaince.

The questions I am not sure how to answer are to do with firewall software and the configeration is to the standard they require; whether I need to install anti-virus software: and on what criticial security patches I have.

I have tried saying the above items do not apply and it comes out FAIL!

I am running Ubuntu 12-04 LTS and always get the updates.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Herefordshire Open Source Star Awards 2011

The 2011 HOSS awards were presented to the winners by Hereford’s Mayor Councillor Anna Toon at HLUG’s Open Source Day  on March 26, 2011 at All Saints,  Hereford.


The HOSS award for the promotion of Open Source in the business sector went to Heather and Kevin Dontenville of OpenSure for bringing Open Source IT solutions to local enterprises.

The HOSS award for work in administration went to Dr. Ashley Tucker and the HCC/Herefordshire NHS WIMS team for beginning the process of adoption of Open Source solutions in Hereford County Council

The HOSS award for outstanding personal achievement went to Dr Tony Sales  for the continuing development of the Vinux project – empowering the visually impaired around the world through free accessible software.

They are all very worthy winners and we hope that their work will inspire others to promote and contribute to Open Source projects in the county  and further afield.

If you,  your organisation or someone you know deserves a HOSS but you didn’t get a nomination in this year don’t worry you can enter for the 2012 HOSS Awards  – just watch this space

If you would like more information about  the HOSS awards please email

What theme shall we use?

see the WordPress page

This is using the new TwentyFourteen theme,

but with no featured posts in the six top slots.

It has an excellent menu system and is responsive, it works well on smartphones.

But its not perfect.


I would like a list of posts with excerpts of the first 50ish words, not the full length of the latest post on the homepage like now (9Jan2014)