February HLUG ONLINE Meet up – Wednesday 24th Feb 2021 @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

Hope you’re all enjoying Linux and Open Source and keeping safe.
Due to Lockdown 3.0, we will be having a virtual meeting via Jitsi Meet tomorrow from 7.30pm. Sorry for the late notice, I had planned to send this on the weekend.

The meet used to be 7pm, but rarely were any of us online at that time so we’ll make it 7.30pm from now on.

We’ll use the same link as before ie


No special apps or logins required ! 100% Open Source web based chat

Tomorrow in the meet up we can start to think about planning for some exciting Linux / Open Source events this year and a bit of re-energising of the group in the late Spring/Summer! 

I’ll see you all tomorrow from 7.30pm

If you have been on our list, or heard of us from Code Club, or Meetup but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topic – Usual Linux / Open Source chat and discussions