Lubuntu 14.04 LTS was released on Easter Thursday 17th April 2014.
- It fits on a CD, and should be a good replacement for old Windows XP machines.
- But it has too many bugs. Including the UK keyboard. (see below)
- Xubuntu seems less buggy, use that instead.
- Lets hope they fix the bugs soon.
- Download Lubuntu from:
- Alternate ISOs are for low-RAM PCs. Computers with less than 700 MB of RAM are considered low-RAM computers. - Backup your data, insert the CD, use it to partition, install Lubuntu.
- The Release Notes mention several known bugs, and solutions for them
- Automatic Updates don’t work
Menu / Preferences / Software and Update
Updates / Never and reboot?
- Bottom Left Menu / System Tools/ Lubuntu Software CenterBUT Lubuntu 14.04 Software Center is too sparse,
mouseover says it has thousands of applications
but it has less than a hundred,
it doesnt even have LibreOffice or Gimp !
Someone on a forum suggested enabling repositories somewhere
It doesn’t even have Gimp! (I’m trying to get help for this at: - Its also necessary to add restricted codecs to play some youtube videos etc.
- Bottom left Menu / System Tools / Synaptic Package Manager
- search for ‘Restricted’
- Select lubuntu-restricted-extras
- Click [Apply]
- There is also a bug with the network icon
- There is also an annoying but harmless [Error No session for pid] box which appears on guest login.
- BUT the keyboard defaults to US, so the £ and @ are wrong
- Lubuntu14.04 keyboard change from US default…
- click the US icon bottom right
- this opens [Keyboard Layout Handler]
- unselect [Keep system layouts]
- at [Keyboard Layouts] click [+Add]
- choose [gb English (UK)]
- select [gb]
- then click [Up]
- click [Close]
- This works for the user, and remains the setting after a reboot,
- But unfortunately the Guest Logon still has american keyboard, no £ sign and @ in the wrong place.
- This is known about
- Bug report is at:
Use Xubuntu instead until they fix it.